Why We Exist

As a Pastor, mother, wife, and friend to many, Pastor Donna Shaw has personally witnessed and experienced the struggles of trying to maintain a busy schedule, all the while striving to keep Jesus Christ as the primary focus. Life can be busy! Life is hard!  We live in a society where travel, sports, and children’s activities tend to overlap into the weekend, leaving families exhausted and struggling to keep up with their many responsibilities and their faith. As a result, our relationship with Christ tends to suffer. We cannot always attend Sunday worship, let alone Christ-centered activities.

Realizing this common struggle, Pastor Donna began to ponder the question… “Why can’t we bring Christ into our daily lives during the week within the community? Why not offer Bible studies, worship, and other various Christ-centered activities that draw people closer in relationship with Jesus Christ during the week — when we are at our weakest?” Weakday Ministries strives to do just that… to bring Christ into your weekdays by offering ministry in various locations and at various times (early morning devotional before heading into work, at lunchtime, or a family-night during the week) as a way of meeting you where you are in your life.

-Pastor Donna Shaw –Founder

Finding Strength While We Are Weak

Weakday Ministries is not just for those without a local church. Pastor Donna has served local churches and needs to be reminded of her relationship with Christ during the week. Rather, Weakday Ministries is in addition to or an alternative for those wanting to deepen their faith. It is a way of augmenting our faith walk outside of the normal church experience. This ministry serves as a unique way to meet Christ in our daily living so that we may be able to better cope with our busy schedules. Whether it is at a coffee shop, hotel, restaurant, or wherever else you may go… our hope is that your faith travels with you.

Weakday Ministries is for everyone of every age and station in life, and occurs Monday through Friday. Let us grow stronger in Christ together as we become one in Weakday Ministries through Jesus Christ our Lord.

-Pastor Donna Shaw –Founder